The offerLivinFrance
The all-in-one platform
A platform designed for international students, in order to do all their procedures in the same place!Watch the demo ;
Student accommodation
Thousands of furnished accommodation offers, available without guarantor
Compulsory insurance
Housing, civil liability: our partners insure your students.
One agent per student
Each of your students benefits from personalized support.
The student visa application
A support process for all visa applications
Health and mutual insurance
All the procedures necessary to get treatment in France.
Administrative procedures
CAF, social security, CVEC: specific support.
The bank account
A facilitating procedure for opening a bank account.
Want to know more?
On the menu: statistics, centralization of communications, and installation that couldn't be simpler!
Statistical Dashboard
Simply find the list of registrants, the number, their activity.
Adding your school contacts
Facilitate communication and avoid unnecessary contacts.
Detailed report
We help you understand your student flows: their profile, their needs, their backgrounds...
Tool customization
Integration of your procedures and partners on the platform.
Installation follow-up
Live, monitoring the progress of your students in their various procedures.
No technical installation
A redirect link will be provided to you to access the platform, we take care of the rest.